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Iris Warren, standing outside the toy store she worked at Bart’s Toy Bazaar.
Phyllis (Poppy) Warren
Thomas Samuel Warren and Lilian Warren
Thomas Samuel Warren and Alured Smith are pictured here somewhere
Thomas Samuel Warren, Lilian, Sonny (Thomas Horace) and Blue (Violet) Warren
Lilian Warren
Ethel Smith, Alured Berkely Hamilton Smith and Beryl Warren.
Thomas Horace (Sonny) Warren, 12 years. 1927
Alured Berkely Hamilton Smith
Alured’s son Raymon Smith
Alured Berkely Hamilton Smith, photographed at his work
Lilian Warren with baby Blue (Violet) and Phyllis (Poppy)
Blue (Violet) Warren, aged 5 years
Lilian Warren
Dennis Warren, 4 years old
Alured Berkeley Hamilton Smith with Blue (Violet) Warren
Blue (Violet) Warren
Iris Warren (middle row with the black x above her head)
Dennis Warren
Lilian Warren
Lilian Warren
Blue, Dennis, Iris, Beryl, Sonny, Poppy (Phyllis). 1927
Dennis Warren. Not sure who he is pictured with here.