This story begins when Thomas Samuel Warren, a young man born in Romford, Essex, catches the sparkle in the eyes of Lilian, a young lady born in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, when they meet in the Wooden Bridge pub outside Guildford, in Surrey, England.
And now their story continues, as the surviving siblings of that Warren family, with the collaboration of the cousins, and the network of nieces and nephews, celebrate the joy of family, and what it means to be part of Warren history….
Photo: Wedding photo of Lilian and Thomas Warren, 1913.
Francesca is on the left, holding one of her adopted children, with either Hennrietta or Rosalie (although it is most likely to be Rosalie since she was a witness on the certificate). There are 3 possibilities for the young man’s identity – it could be Francesca’s 14 year old son Edward, whose name appears on the marriage certificate, possibly Alured, or the groom’s brother Arthur Albert. Interesting to note that Lilian was known as Isabella on the marriage certificate

The Warren Family Tree

(These documents will open in a new tab)
Biscuit Tin Memories
Our Warren history begins with the beginnings of photography. Before this, only the images of those rich enough to have their portraits painted, survived their passing. So families rushed to have their photographic portrait made. But still that survival depended on those images being preserved for posterity in frames and albums and biscuit tins.
Now we can do more for our family by saving their words and pictures for all time, and in all places. Our family web site allows everyone to have a copy of every image and story that we find, for ever.
Surnames & Maiden Names
If everyone stayed single, life for the family historian would be much easier. However, given that people marry and change their surnames, we have decided to stick with the protocol of naming people with the surnames they were born with.

A collection of certificates of births, deaths and marriages
The chronological story of the Warren Family in the twentieth century, plus some personal histories (or her-stories) gleaned from letters and diary entries
Family members’ discussions, discoveries and intrepid investigations into the Warren family history.
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